Friday 13 February 2015

Plans for 2015

This year I plan to do amazing, fulfilling things. I may not be able to travel what with Ramadan landing smack-dab in the middle of summer, but I still want this summer to be amazing.

I'm going to be going to London for my exams in May, and I'll be in London until the end of July hopefully. I'm going to be staying with my brother and hanging out with all the friends I haven't seen since last summer.
My plans to make this summer amazing are all on the "She" list, and we'll see how many I actually get through. The ones i definitely want to get done are the cupcake decorating classes and self-defence classes.
I also want to visit my friend in Brighton again, and do more things than just stuff myself full of frozen yoghurt, but we'll see how that goes.
Also in Brighton is the "Shit Shop" where all the antique/vintage and amazing things I love are sold. Last year I got me the coolest and also most annoying bag ever to exist.
Coolest/most annoying bag to ever exist
The reason its so annoying is because its like an old doctor's bag, so it opens really weird and its super hard to open.
Great as an anti-theft feature, not so good for when you really need to get something out in a timely manner.
They also have a clothes section which I am planning to raid, because vintage clothes are perfect for all my collar/lace needs.

I eventually want to go and live in Brighton, I want to go to Uni there and live with my bestie in a cute little place all of our own. Not sure if she really wants to live there, but she does want to get out of London so we'll see if i can't convince her. But that's not going to happen for a while yet

Also on the agenda for 2015 is learning Italian. Can't go to Italy if you can't speak at least a few sentences in Italian, now can you? the answer is no.

Then there is joining a 24h gym. Anna and I like to keep in shape -despite all the chocolate cake and doughnuts I'm always devouring, but we don't like being disturbed during our workouts and we like to goof around, so we wanted to join a 24h gym and go at night and get our exercise needs, and we'll see how that goes. I'm looking forward to the weight machines.

This is starting to seem like my 2015 summer plans.

Before summer is here I have plans to re-claim my six-pack and keep up with my health. So no more cake (She says after eating two servings of vanilla cake with custard). 
Don't judge me!

This year I also plan to pass my exams. Before anything else on this list, that should be number one, but you know -priorities.

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